التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Press Statement by The Economic Monitor

The Economic Monitor
Popular Campaign to Encourage the Use of Palestinian Products

Press Statement


We are having the press conference today, to affirm important issues in regards to encouraging Palestinian products, and giving it a larger share in the Palestinian market, as a mechanism for strengthening Palestinian economy:

1. We view as very important the role of the Ministry of National Economy, and the role of practical programs that encourage the use of Palestinian products and that give it preference and strengthens its competitiveness. The Ministry of National Economy is seen as the official umbrella for Palestinian trade and industry.

2. We are looking with great interest to the role of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, because the schools and universities are more important than the organized markets, and constitute an important basis for encouraging Palestinian products in their cafeterias.

3. We are looking with great interest to the role of the Palestinian Standards and Measurements Institute, because it is the gateway to safety of Palestinian consumer, and to encouraging the use of Palestinian products.

4. We must pay attention to the role of the Legislative Council in terms of adopting legislations, and supervising government performance in regards to encouraging the use of Palestinian products.

5. In light of the tenders issued in the fields of investment, construction, and housing, by the Palestinian Government, private sector, and civil society organizations, we affirm the importance of giving preference to Palestinian products clearly in the tenders.

6. We are calling upon the Palestinian industrial sector to focus more on quality, competitive pricing, in order to encourage the use of Palestinian products.

7. We consider Palestinian and Arab investor as an economic asset that creates new jobs, and pumps money in the Palestinian treasury, and therefore it constitutes an incentive to Palestinian capital all over the world to invest in Palestine.

8. We affirm the important role of the “Palestinian Federation of Industries” and the Industrial Federations in industrial development, modernization, upgrading and in the promotion of Palestinian industry and moving it ahead towards local and global competitiveness.

8. We affirm the important role of the agents’ and trucking sector in Palestine, which contributes to providing a variety of products needed by the Palestinian market that are otherwise unavailable.

9. We want to see attention given to the Palestinian Pharmaceutical industry and giving it preference in Government tenders and tenders of private and civic health institutions.

10. We are affirming the important role of Palestinian media in protecting Palestinian products and showing the role of Palestinian industry as an agent of development.

The Economic Monitor
The Popular Campaign to Encourage the Use of Palestinian Products


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صلاح هنية: ‏إصرار على مكافحة الفساد الغذائي

رتفع كل فترة صرخات المستهلكين الفلسطينيين ضد الأغذية الفاسدة، والمنتجات المهربة من المستوطنات. ويؤكد رئيس جميعة حماية المستهلك الفلسطيني صلاح هنية على محاربة هذه الظواهر، لافتاً الى وجود الكثير من المعوقات وهذا نص المقابلة: *هل من غطاء قانوني للمستهلك الفلسطيني؟ يتمتع المستهلك الفلسطيني بحقوق حمائية، إذ يتم تطبيق قانون حماية مستهلك عصري يحمل ‏الرقم 21 لعام 2005، ويغطي بشمولية قضايا المستهلك المحورية. وتتمثل هذه القضايا بضرورة إشهار الأسعار، ومحاربة الغبن ‏التجاري والغش والتلاعب بالأسعار والأغذية والسلع. وينظم القانون آلية حماية المواطنين، من خلال تأسيس جمعية ‏حماية المستهلك، والمجلس الفلسطيني لحماية المستهلك، ويتيح للجمعيات رفع قضايا نيابة عن المستهلك دون أي ‏حاجة لتوكيل كونها جمعيات تمثيلية، ويركز على قضايا تنسيقية بين الجمعية والقطاع العام‎.‎ والجانب الثاني الإيجابي، ورغم حداثة عمر جمعية حماية المستهلك الفلسطيني، ورغم ضعف مواردها المالية إلا أنها ‏استطاعت تحقيق إنجازات، واستطاعت الضغط والتأثير على العديد من القرارات الحكومية بما يضمن حقوق المستهلكين. ‎*لكن، هل القانون والج